A monkey broke into my kitchen, made a mess, then left me to clean it up


Photo credit: Mary Doyle, ~2016 National Museum of Ireland, Dublin

I had a panic attack in the parking lot of the emergency vet, then paid the money. The x-rays only confirmed what I already knew: I had to euthanize my cat, then my relationship.

Heartbreak is inevitable when we adopt a pet or start a love affair. The may have been a slow decline for several months: a fatty tumor that appeared benign at first then gathered malignancy, a lack of care or hygiene, a slowing of passion, weight gain, general malaise. Then there is usually some indelible act that necessitates an immediate reaction: a fall, an accident, a shocking observation. There may be an attempt to salvage what once was through surgery or an experimental treatment. Nonetheless, eventually, someone needs to make the tough call.

If I am being honest, that final room at the vet is worse than the most brutal conversation with a romantic partner. I never want to be there again.